A Visiting Couch


These photos were taken on October 23, 2020 at 10:27 AM.


The location was in front of my house in Beltsville, Maryland.


The " Take It ! " was the shock of finding a couch having been dumped in front of my house.  


After getting over the initial impact of the presence of this unwelcome visitor - I took a moment to record the incident via my camera.  The couch was not in very good shape as had a very serious " precondition " - having withstood the trial of time in who knows what kind of household setting.  I contemplated having an interview with the couch ( as a sort of role reversal ) but true to the code of couchdom - there was complete silence - no secrets were revealed - lol.


Imagine -  if that couch could talk.  Oh what stories it could tell.  Probably multiple generational revealing's that could make anyone gasp!


In a few weeks some unknown picked it up - and it is gone.  


In the time it was here - it was treated with respect - and here is hoping it went on to a decent end.


Bruce (the short term custodian)


I cannot help but think - had someone given it some "Blanket Coverage" it could have gone one for more years of useful service.

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Comments: 5
  • #1

    SF1967 (Monday, 21 December 2020 12:29)

    When I was 20 and got my first apartment I furnished my home with furniture people had left out like this.

  • #2

    Jim (Monday, 21 December 2020 12:30)

    Nice sunny day, looks like a good place to take a nap.

  • #3

    Sally (Monday, 21 December 2020 12:31)

    Our youngest asked if she could put our couch outside like that lol.

  • #4

    MHampy (Monday, 21 December 2020 12:34)

    Putting it next to a stop sign is a pretty good idea. Lets people give it a good look and decide if they want it.

  • #5

    Gabe (Monday, 21 December 2020 12:53)

    Boy I wish I lived near you, I'm in the market for an old couch.