Imp in Marble


This photo was taken on August 14, 2015 at 2:45 PM.

This photo was taken in the vast marble floor of a very large hotel in National Harbor Maryland.

The "Take It!" came from one of my marble meandering hunts, as I like to call them, when I take a few minutes out of my busy routine to slowly walk around when in a marble covered area, be it floor or walls, or even counters.  This one happened to reveal itself in one of the largest such opportunities as I go through my day.  There has to be well over two acres of marble flooring.  Thus lots of markings and streaks to look at to see if there might be a likeness to anything I can bring to mind.  

The After Take:  Everyone that I showed this one to, had little difficulty in seeing the impish head I envisioned.  All seem to enjoy the game I play in hunting these figures down.  I even had one hotel employee after showing him this image, several weeks later, took me to a back stairs landing leading to the lobby of his hotel and showed me a rabbit that he had found in a marble step.  I congratulated him and we laughed together in this childlike game of exercising one's imagination - for which there is no age limit.

The discovery of a marble marvel is a joy and the sharing of this discovery with another is yet another even bigger joy.

Wishing each of you a splendid day.


PS:  I cannot help but believe there is a marble marvel out there, where you are, waiting for you to discover it.  

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Comments: 7
  • #1

    Gabe (Monday, 02 November 2015 14:59)

    Hey I see it! That is soooooo cool!!!

  • #2

    Jim (Monday, 02 November 2015 14:59)

    It reminds me of a goblin out of those Hobbit movies.

  • #3

    Sally (Monday, 02 November 2015 15:00)

    I was going to say exactly what my husband just posted. It really does, with the long nose and pointy ears.

  • #4

    Treehugger (Monday, 02 November 2015 15:02)

    How fun is that, what a great catch.

  • #5

    thatoneguy (Monday, 02 November 2015 15:04)

    hey i just wanted to say the twitter button you guys added really makes sharing the ones i like so much easier
    its one button clicked now instead of before i had to copy and paste then click share etc etc it is for sure a QoL improvement

  • #6

    Teri (Monday, 02 November 2015 15:08)

    I showed this to some students and they had a blast with it. It just seemed so fitting to show since we are reading a book that has a creature that has similar features. At least he does in how I have imagined him looking. Ha Ha!

  • #7

    Mike (Saturday, 29 July 2017 14:18)

    Looks like the Green Goblin from Spider-man.