This photograph was taken on February 21, 2023 at 1:53 PM.
The location was in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant in Washington DC.
The "Take It!" came as I pulled over after having gone through the purchase of an ice cream cone - via the drive through procedure. I placed the cup/cone on the top of the dashboard of my car and took the photograph - all in a state of disbelief.
I had finished visiting all but the last of the hotels on my route and was on my way to the last one when I decided to give myself a treat - in the form of an ice cream cone. This was a rare impulse - and found me pulling in to a well known fast food restaurant - and pulling up to the speaker staffed ordering board and asking for a strawberry ice cream cone. I was advised they only had vanilla - I made the easy enough adjustment - and went ahead with ordering the alternate flavor - and proceeded to the pick up window. At the pick up window - I presented my debit card - for payment - and made the request if they could put the cone in a cup - to better facilitate my eating it with a spoon as I drove to my next stop. The request for the adjustment was immediately accepted by the cashier - and my card and a receipt given back to me. I then was presented - the final product - which is in the photo.
I had gotten exactly what I had asked for - lol.
What helped me get through the shock of expecting the ice cream being entirely in the cup ( and no longer including the cone ) was - that they included the providing me with a plastic spoon.
After explaining the background of the order - I then - ran this photo by some of my picture review committee - and found they all thought it was as hilarious as I did. Some wanted to have more on the identity of the server - to which - I responded - that it did not matter - in that I had gotten what I asked for. They all agreed - and laughed as they thought it was as incredulous as I did - in the interpretation of how it was to be delivered.
The take away - was - that while I held the cup - I slowly lifted the cone and had the cone break free from the main body of the ice cream. I then put the cup with the majority of the ice cream into the cup holder in the car - and proceeded to eat the cone with its central core filled with ice cream. Once the cone section was finished - I proceeded to use the spoon to clear out the rest of the ice cream from the cup.
I had gotten more than I bargained for - as a treat. It gave me a lesson in how to order should I choose to do this again - lol.
Wish me luck - lol.
All my best to each of you.
PS: Eating an Ice Cream Cone - is always a tongue twister.
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Jim (Wednesday, 05 April 2023 01:03)
I love me some ice cream but it doesn't look like the most fun way to eat an ice cream cone.
Sally (Wednesday, 05 April 2023 01:03)
My daughter said, "that's not how you eat an ice cream cone!"
GpaJake (Wednesday, 05 April 2023 01:04)
I'm a chocolate guy myself.
SF1967 (Wednesday, 05 April 2023 01:05)
I can't wait for ice cream season. Its still a bit too cold for a cone here.
MHampy (Wednesday, 05 April 2023 16:00)
They should replace the cup with some sort of edible bowl.