A Backyard Visitor

This set of photos was taken on May 25 at 2:30pm

The location was in my back yard in Bethesda Maryland

The "Take it!" was another of those catch it if you can. I was in the yard without my camera (yes I occasionally am in that state) and this butterfly found what it feeds on in some of the flowers. I ran into the house and got the camera, all the while hoping it would still be there when I returned.  To my good fortune it was. I took a number of shots as it made its way through the nectar buffet.  These two pictures seemed to be the most attractive.

The After Take: All to whom I have shown these pictures to have responded with either a full on "Wow" or their rendition of wow.  All I could respond with was to say how much of a gift the visit was and how lucky I was to have it stick around long enough for me to grab my camera and further that it would give me lots of opportunity to capture it as it showed its colorful wings.  

I am especially fond of how the backgrounds for these pictures played such an important role in their composition.

Thanks for joining us for the current photo presentation. You are cordially invited to return Tuesday, June 26th for a new picture that we hope you will enjoy. 

Here is hoping you have a butterfly visit you very soon.


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Comments: 6
  • #1

    Livin4love (Saturday, 23 June 2012 10:35)

    Wow what a beauty!

  • #2

    Gabe (Saturday, 23 June 2012 10:36)

    Oooooooo bugs thats a new one. Awesome pics!

  • #3

    Jeff (Saturday, 23 June 2012 10:39)

    Props on being able to get these pics. Usually butterflies frighten pretty easily.

  • #4

    Teri (Saturday, 23 June 2012 10:39)

    How BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • #5

    Treehugger (Sunday, 24 June 2012 16:26)

    Nature at its finest. I love these types of pictures.

  • #6

    Sarah (Thursday, 28 June 2012 15:33)

    If you take requests. I absolutly luv luv luv this photo series. Butterflies are so pretty. My friends and I were astonished to see these pics. Pro quality. We want more beautiful butterflies.