Clouds on a Summer Day


This set of photographs was taken throughout the day on July 31, 2022.


The location was in the Washington DC metropolitan area.


The "Take It!" came as I progressed through the day engaging in my part time job. I am a big fan of cloud watching and for some reason - the day was full of different types of cloud formations. There are many reasons for cloud types. I do not get into all of the scientific explanations - choosing to just enjoy them for the reaction they can bring about by an observer. Storms aside - for the most part I find clouds to have a soothing effect upon me.


Here is hoping each of you will find a time to be outside and enjoy a summer cloud show while being in the shade, and having a big ice cold drink in hand, to make the time consuming tradition just that much more enjoyable.


Best wishes to all - as we head into the final weeks of Summer,



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Comments: 6
  • #1

    SF1967 (Monday, 08 August 2022 22:59)

    For some reason I saw ribs in each and every picture. I must be craving ribs subconsciously.

  • #2

    Sally (Monday, 08 August 2022 23:01)

    This kept our daughter enthralled for over an hour. She kept finding different shapes and scenes. Afterwards she went out back, laid in the grass and kept going with the clouds outside.

  • #3

    Jim (Monday, 08 August 2022 23:01)

    The third one is viking longships on the ocean. Credit to my daughter for that one, she said it looked like "boats at sea."

  • #4

    MHampy (Monday, 08 August 2022 23:03)

    There is something relaxing about these photos. Maybe its looking at clouds while in an air conditioned room. If I step outside to look at the clouds I get bombarded by humidity.

  • #5

    Gabe (Monday, 08 August 2022 23:04)

    The clouds in that first photo are really cool like a stack of bananas or something

  • #6

    Bruce Gamble (Tuesday, 09 August 2022 16:47)

    Thank you to everyone for yet another set of great responses. SF 1967 - I hope you took care of that craving - lol. Sally and Jim - I am so glad you both along with your Daughter enjoyed the imagination game available with cloud watching. To learn your Daughter took it a step further to go into the back yard and lay in the grass for her own cloud impression gathering was a delightful pass along. I hope everyone who reads your notes - about her - takes a little visit to their own memory lane. MHampy once more you have hit the nail on the head. Gabe your " bananas " comparison matched up with the ' or something " I think has you qualified as a perfect guest at a cloud watching party. Your own view and yet open for it to be something else - great stuff. Thank you all - again - for giving us your best.

    Regards for happy days Bruce