Never in a Million Years


This series of photos were taken in January 2013.
The location was in the lobby of a child friendly hotel in Alexandria, Virginia.
The "Take It!" came to me as I was rushing out the door of this very nice hotel, I happened to look up at the ceiling and saw the silhouettes on the ceiling above a small alcove that was filled with comfortable furniture and a coffee table with a glass top.  The glass topped coffee table had the necessary items upon it to amuse fairly small children. The reflection of the shapes of these items made their way up to the ceiling.  It is there that I saw them.
The After Take: This is one of complete bafflement when shown to anyone.  I must say we are leaving this one up  for guessing for only one week.  To leave it up for any longer would not be fair. 
I have been by this setting on several occasions while children are busy with what the current offering might be. Watching the children's concentration is splendid.  Hand, eye description comes to mind.  The other marvel in this has been, observing the parents watching their children at play.  It takes a special kind of parent to bring children of this age along when on travel or vacation that is not a resort setting.  My admiration for this kind of parenting is huge.
Thank you to all that took a guess at the what the eyelusion might be.  It was a pleasure to capture the depth of the images involved.
Wishing you all the best,

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Comments: 2
  • #1

    Sally (Sunday, 25 August 2013 20:43)

    Great find!

  • #2

    Jim (Sunday, 25 August 2013 20:48)

    Very interesting room.