California with the San Andreas (its not your) Fault

This photo was taken on June 11, 2014 at 2:32 PM
The  location was the sidewalk in front of the camera store that makes up prints for me.
The "Take It!" came from looking at the fresh grinding off of edges that were on the sidewalk that could have easily caught someone's toe causing a stumble and fall. The freshly exposed interior of this inner part of the concrete always fascinates me.  It is one of those viewing's of something that ordinarily would never be seen.
This was one of those, see it differently on a second viewing things, which are most enjoyable. The ground part was similar to the shape of the state of California and ironically enough the already included division in the sections of concrete seemed to roughly match up with some of the fault lines that give the state such big time trouble through the course of history. 
The After Take: has been lots of fun in showing this photo to some of my long time review team as well as some new folks.  Everyone seemed to like the call on the shape of the grind and got a laugh out of the twist given to the fault.
I suppose we all have out faults - but good grief - to have an entire state living with one that represents a threat from both the past and possibly the future is a lot for the citizens to keep in mind.  I thought possibly we could take away any  subconscious thoughts of blame that anyone might harbor - if for only a  moment.
Here is hoping something catches your eye and also gives you a chance to play with your imagination, and if possible share your play with others.
All the best,



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Comments: 5
  • #1

    GpaJake (Wednesday, 26 July 2023 01:38)

    I hear they are still waiting for "the big one."

  • #2

    Gabe (Wednesday, 26 July 2023 01:39)

    I remember this one Wow posted almost 9 years to the day later

  • #3

    Jim (Wednesday, 26 July 2023 01:40)

    I have enjoyed the old photos. Will we get some new ones soon?

  • #4

    Sally (Wednesday, 26 July 2023 01:41)

    It's funny looking at these old photos. Many of these we used to somehow introduce our youngest, at the time, to new concepts. Earthquakes and fault lines came from this photo. I remember it vividly!

  • #5

    Sf1967 (Wednesday, 26 July 2023)

    I thought this was a new one but then I saw the "Repost." I guess I missed this one.

    Looks like that fault goes right through some of my family's homes, lol. Yikes!