Deco Delight

2/19/13 -120-


This photo was taken on January 14, 2013 at 6:57am.
The location was in a lobby of a very nice hotel in Washington DC.
The "Take It!" came from walking past this very elegant display only one time.  It was strong enough to jump out and call for its photo to be taken.  Everyone I have shown this to has remarked that they think it is a great photo.  Women call it beautiful where men are less likely to put such a superlative label on it but say they like it.  Fun to see this difference in how the genders refer to things.
This is a very nice example of what is old is new again - in that this has a very Deco period look to it.  On the other hand - it is so good that it could be referred to as being classic therefore timeless and always welcomed.
Here is hoping you have opportunity to see and be around things that are old and have become new again - or classic.  Contact with these type of things seem to bring a soothing stamp to the mind.
Wishing you all the very best,


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Comments: 3
  • #1

    Gabe (Wednesday, 20 February 2013 22:10)

    I think this photo got lost. Shall we direct it back to flowers for fun?

  • #2

    Teri (Wednesday, 20 February 2013 22:10)

    Those are beautiful.

  • #3

    Sarah (Wednesday, 20 February 2013 22:13)

    Wow, I would love a bouquet of these on my desk.