Confluence Influence

This photo was taken on January 20, 2014 at 9:32 AM
The location was in Rosalyn, Virginia.
The  "Take It!" came with no hesitation when I stepped out of the car for a brief break while doing our rounds.  I am quite a fan of the look that contrails bring to the sky even though there is a pollution factor attached to them.  On this occasion there was a sort of funnel effect in place and at the location where we stopped all of the trails seemed to come together in this unspecting tree.  Each segment seems to have its own character which adds interest to the photo.
The After Take: When showing this photo, it took very little if any explanation.  Here again - the reaction was go give it a place in the "WOW!" category.  I have to quickly state that photos like this knock me out as well.  I am ever so lucky to be given these views as gifts.  To be able to share them is also a very valued gift.
Thanks for taking a moment to join me in viewing this splendor.
All the best

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Comments: 8
  • #1

    Yuppie7 (Friday, 07 March 2014 12:01)

    Looks like they were all either coming to or going to the same place.

  • #2

    Jeff (Friday, 07 March 2014 12:02)

    It looks like there is just a ton of them off to the left. Must be near an Airport.

  • #3

    MHampy (Friday, 07 March 2014 12:03)

    The second picture is really neat. They all seem to line up with the trees branches.

  • #4

    Gabe (Saturday, 08 March 2014 13:13)

    I like the first picture. Really awesome!

  • #5

    Mike (Saturday, 08 March 2014 13:14)

    What airport would that be nearest to? National?

  • #6

    Sally (Saturday, 08 March 2014 13:16)

    It looks like a storm is rolling in. Winter is almost over and we cant wait!!!!

  • #7

    Jim (Saturday, 08 March 2014 13:18)

    It does look like there is a ton off to the left in the first image. It is a really cool shot, just gets you thinking about the comings and goings of people in their every day lives.

  • #8

    thatoneguy (Tuesday, 11 March 2014 21:30)

    Blue Angels must have been out and about.