This was taken on November 2, 2014 at 2:35
The location was in Northwestern Virginia near Stanton Virginia
The "Take It!" came from the narrowing down of both road and vistas as my journey to a great sawyer's home progressed. I had started my trip on a six lane per side highway and steadily as the
miles took me further away from the big city of Washington DC and its bustling suburbs out into the country side and finally into this peaceful wooded setting in which Mark has built his home and
has his shops.
I have made this trip numerous times and in different seasons. While this photo is in the late fall, each season seems to have its own personality, but the same winding down effect upon me
as I make my way into the back roads of Virginia.
Mark is a highly skilled wood cutter and has made up for me, wood pieces in sizes that fit the projects I am pursuing. Some of these are intended to be placed on the market after they have
been tested.
The After Take: To those who I have shown this photo to - there has been universal reaction of how peaceful the setting is. One of the strongest parts of the picture are the shadows cast by
the trees that just seem to stretch down the length of that section of the dirt road that is included in the photo.
Here is hoping if you live in a city that you already have a similar place that you enjoy going to, that requires less than two
hours to bring you to it.
There are several quotes about "The journey/ not the destination" - I believe in both.
My best wishes for you to have a happy day.
PS This is all a part of the photo series I took along both sides of this journey. Some of the photos have already been
Write a comment
Matt Mitchell (Wednesday, 21 January 2015 10:37)
Excellent photos!!
Jim (Thursday, 22 January 2015 00:30)
Looks like an excellent hiking trail
Sally (Thursday, 22 January 2015 00:30)
Aww how pretty.
Gabe (Thursday, 22 January 2015 00:32)
I have a trail like this by my house. We head out on it once a week or so for a pretty solid bike ride.
Ray (Sunday, 27 March 2016 18:17)
A walk in the woods. Love it!